LinkedIn is the perfect place to build professional relationships and engage in targeted business-to-business (B2B) marketing. If you are investing time and money only on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, then you are neglecting the goldmine of professionals and prospects who can bring huge gains to your business. With over 500 million users, the ever increasing demographic of experts and professionals across industries, LinkedIn advertising is a perfect platform for lead generation and conversion.

LinkedIn lead generation solutions is the perfect medium to connect your brand with the world’s largest audience of active and influential professionals.

Eye-opening LinkedIn features to watch out for

  • 61 million LinkedIn users are senior level influencers
  • 40 million LinkedIn members are in decision-making positions
  • Most-popular platform amongst Fortune 500 companies
  • Drives more than half of all social traffic to B2B websites & blogs

LinkedIn is without a doubt the place to be for businessmen, professionals and marketers to raise brand awareness and increase revenue. Our well-planned LinkedIn marketing strategy is the easiest way to make your fortune.

LinkedIn Ads Setup

What to Expect ?

  • Customizable LinkedIn Ad Creation / Designing
  • Keyword Research
  • Linkedin Ad Optimization
  • Ad Copy Development
  • Customer Targeting
  • Bid Management
  • Campaign launch and optimization
  • Regular Tracking & Analysis
  • LinkedIn Ad Reporting

Type of LinkedIn Advertising Campaigns

While LinkedIn is going on with setting up their campaign options, right now, you can choose from:

  • Text ads – Text-based ads that display in the right column or at the top of the page on LinkedIn.
  • Single image ads (formerly Sponsored Posts) – Single image ads that show up in LinkedIn’s news feed.
  • Carousel image ads – Ads with two or more images that show up in LinkedIn’s news feed.
  • Video ads – Video ads that display in LinkedIn’s news feed.
  • Message ads – Ads provided to your target audience’s LinkedIn message inbox.
  • Lead form ads – Ads that gather lead information right without ever leaving the platform.
  • Spotlight ads – Ads that are personalized using profile data and will promote an offering throughout the desktop.
  • Follower ads – Ads that are personalized using profile data and will promote a company’s page by the desktop.
  • Job ads – Promote an open position at your company and gather applicant data.

5 out of 4 LinkedIn members drive business decisions and LinkedIn audience has 2x the buying power of the average web audience.

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