We specialise in managing Google Ads campaigns that drive a profitable return on investment for our clients. With Google Shopping ads (PLA’s) we can do just that. Before even clicking through to your website the user can see the product, the price and the vendor, meaning great conversion rates. Which is why Google Shopping ads can be one of the most profitable ways to advertise your products.
Google Shopping Ads

Turns online browsing into online buying.

Google Shopping Ads campaigns enable businesses to put their products and merchandise in front of active shoppers on Google.com. This includes product images, price, sales price, and business name, no matter what device shoppers are using. The best part is, you only pay when shoppers click and view your inventory. Since your ad is targeted to low funnel shoppers, we will make sure to add the right components to build trust. Through rigorous testing, conversion tracking and data analysis, our team will then optimize your campaign to ensure profitability.

Google Shopping & Product Feed Management Services

If you run an e-commerce site and you’re not already using Google shopping (also known as Product Listing Ads), you could be missing out on the potential for massive traffic and revenue that you may not even be aware existed! Or perhaps you are running a shopping campaign, but you’re growing concerned that your current PPC manager just isn’t getting you the revenue that you know your products should be making. If either of these situations seems familiar, TDM can help you get back on track with your product marketing.

Calling on years of experience and technical expertise, our Google Shopping team will optimize your product feed, sending strong quality score signals to Google and boosting your shopping traffic. We also provide essential consultation and feedback to improve your Landing Page Optimization (LPO) and Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). Other agencies too often ignore LPO and CRO, and in many cases, these essential optimizations are the key to creating and growing a profitable revenue stream through Google Shopping.


Google Shopping Scope of Work

  • Product Feed Management & Optimization
  • Structured Shopping Campaign Setup
  • Comprehensive Bidding Strategy & Budget Management
  • Dynamic Product Ad Remarketing
  • Conversion & Revenue Tracking
  • Return On Ad Spend (ROAS) Analysis
  • Landing Page & Conversion Rate Consultation
  • Competitive Intelligence Analysis
  • Regular Meetings with a Dedicated PPC Manager
  • Detailed Monthly Reports

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