Reach a wider audience and increase your market share.

Advertising on Bing ads gives you access to Bing, Yahoo and AOL searchers, as well as the growing number of people using desktop search.TDM can create and optimise your Bing Ad campaigns; harnessing the unique strengths of the network to maximise your return on investment (ROI).


Our Display Advertising Services

To reach out to your target audiences, you need to have a platform. In addition to Google AdWords, TDM helps businesses across all industry verticals in expanding their reach with Bing Ads and achieving success.

We offer a range of Bing Ads campaign management services so that you can harness the potential of Bing’s share of ever-growing search market, drive significant amount of traffic and capture new conversions & leads. Our teams of Bing Ads accredited professionals align your paid search marketing strategy with your customer’s interests and pain points, and help you appear on top in Bing SERPs. Whether you want to set up Bing Ads campaign from scratch or overhaul an existing one, we can help you with both – efficiently, cost-effectively and quickly.

PPC Bid Optimisation

Integrate a fully customisable PPC bid optimisation solution into your Bing Ad campaigns.

TDM PPC Bid Optimisation uses robust data tracking & attribution, along with algorithmic optimisation methodologies to drive performance, ROI and growth through your Bing Ads campaigns.

Bing Ads Strategy & Optimisation

Unlock the full potential of your PPC budget. Place your Bing Ads campaigns in the hands of experienced performance marketers.

TDM works with clients to develop a Bing Ads strategy that drives business outcomes, not just efficiencies.

Our unique methodology aims to utilise insights and knowledge from your campaign data to continuously improve the performance of your Bing Ad campaigns.

Bing Ads Automation

Keep your Bing Ad campaigns running lean and efficiently with intelligent rules-based automation.

Trigger actions based on changes in performance, schedules, or even based on your own website or backend systems.

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