We generate more leads, customers, app downloads, and sales. With more than 1.59 billion users worldwide, Facebook has created an unique opportunity for businesses to reach their target audience with incredible accuracy and with any sized budget. With Facebook ads, you choose the type of people you want to reach, and we deliver your ads to them. We bring you results by delivering Facebook ads to a relevant audience most likely to convert.

Why you need Facebook Advertising?

The Right Person

Powerful targeting options ensure you're able to connect with and reach your exact customer.

The Right Time

Over 1 billion daily active users ensures you're able to reach customers instantly on mobile.

The Right Message

Share your unique story through ad formats such as images, videos, carousel and canvas ads.

What we manage with your account ?


We manage your spending with a focus on ROI.


We verify the Facebook pixel is installed and tracking correctly.


Create custom chat experiences for your customers on Messenger.


We help you re-reach the people who have visited your site.


Show product ads to people who viewed your product pages.


We monitor, analyze and report on your ad accounts.

Meet your Facebook Advertising Team

Account Manager

Your account manager is your main point of contact at TDM. They are experts in Facebook advertising and will oversee all aspects of your campaign including account management, creating and targeting ads and leading your team.

Graphic Designer

To stand out on a social, you'll need creatives that captivates & attract attractions. Whether it is image ads, carousel ads, or canvas ads. Our designer are ready to wow your audience.

Content Writer

The best social adverting involves a conversation and our copywriters are skilled in the art of writing copy that will attract, connect and engage with people that are likely to be interested in your product or service.

Project Analyst

We believe that every campaign can be improved and our analysts are the ones looking for the clues to ensure you’re getting the best results possible. They’re looking through mounds of data to find ways to improve your campaign.

Video Editor

Facebook users are consuming more videos every day and Using videos are a great way to increase engagement with your ads. Our editors are ready to help ensure we leverage your current assets and create video content that will tell your story.

Speak with a TDM Expert today.

Leave your contact details, and we’ll have one of our TDM Experts follow-up and arrange a time that works best for you to have a quick discussion.


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